This weekend, my darling husband decided he was worried about my upcoming commute. Starting Monday, I will be driving a company vehicle about 3-4 hours round trip, daily, for 10 weeks in order to attend required trainings. Tyler realized he was concerned about me staying awake while driving, and decided we should go ahead and purchase something to distract me. He brought it up to me at dinner Friday, and I got really excited, obviously! We spent that evening and all day yesterday researching and shopping in store for anything to occupy my time. We looked at MP3 players, Ipads, etc. WELL...seeing as two of my favorite hobbies are reading and listening to music, I brought up the idea of the Kindle. Oh my word. Best idea of my life. ANDDDD...thanks to a leftover Visa gift card, and part of my birthday money from my sweet mother-in-law, we only ended up paying about 40 dollars out of pocket for my sweet baby Kindle. I am in LOVE. I've already downloaded about 6 books, all but two of them free of charge. The two I paid for were the Bible (1.99) and a Healthy Living cookbook with 500 recipes (6.00). I am so looking forward to tomorrow morning when I can plug my Kindle into the car and listen to it so sweetly read to me on my morning commute. Thank you, husband!! :)
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