Today, I feel really nostalgic. Not in a sad way, just that I can't believe I' I can't believe my 16 year-old, baseball/soccer/basketball playing, scrawny boyfriend with the spikey hair no longer exists. Taken his place is an almost 24-year-old, mature, handsome, sexy, self-confident man. I don't miss this 16-year-old boy, nor do I miss the dorky, ugly duckling that was my 14-year-old self, I just can't believe we aren't them anymore.
We aren't only out of the brace, pimpled face stage (ok, I still get some pimples..leave me alone), but we're graduated from college, living in FLORIDA, and have grown up jobs. Not only that, we've been married for almost a year and a half. Where the heck has the time gone? I love my husband, I love this life we've created for ourselves, but I can't believe we' I stumbled upon a Brad Paisley song I L-O-V-E today. It reminds me a lot of where we've come from, and where we're going. I love you, baby.
"I remember, trying not to stare the night I first met you. You had me mezmorized.
And three weeks later in the front porch light, taking forty-five minutes to kiss goodnight. I hadn't told you yet, but I thought I loved you then.
Now you're my whole life, now you're my whole world. And I just can't believe, the way I feel about you girl. Like a river meets the sea, stronger than it's ever been. We've come so far since that day, and I thought I loved you then.
I remember, taking you back to where I first met you. You were so surprised. There were people around, but I didn't care. I got down on one knee right there. And once again, I thought I loved you then.
Now you're my whole life, now you're my whole world. And I just can't believe, the way I feel about you girl. Like a river meets the sea, stronger than it's ever been. We've come so far since that day, and I thought I loved you then.
I can just see you, with a baby on the way. I can just see you, when your hair is turning grey. What I can't see is how I'm ever going to love you more. But I've said that before.
Now you're my whole life, now you're my whole world. And I just can't believe, the way I feel about you girl. We'll look back someday, at this moment that we're in and I'll look at you and say, "And I thought I loved you then."